Coding Games in Python – Certification Course
Enrol now and learn to make your own Space Invader & Ping Pong Ball Game
Course Content: Making Games
1. Space Invader Game
2. Ping Pong Ball Game
The objective of this course is to get you up and running with Python in a way that’s both engaging and fun.
What you’ll learn:
- Use of List , Tuple , Variables, Data Types
- Random Number generation,
- GUI Creation Pygame, Object Creation
- GUI Creation Using Tkinter Module, Object Creation (E.g Ball, Paddle)
- append function, Mathematical Operators
- Def function , Counter using For loop, While loop,
- If Else Loop, Time Library, Sleep function, Use of Class,
- Inputs from Keyboard.
Duration: 15 hours
Age Group: 10 years and above
For More Details Contact / Whatsapp: +91 9920807464
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