July 15, 2021
9:00 am
Course Content :-
Day 1:- Beginner Typing Lessons Intro Home Keys & Correct Finger Position |
Day 2:- Introducing Words & The Vowels E, U, and I |
Day 3 :- Introducing 3 Key Letters: T G & H |
Day 4 :- Introducing Letters: W S L O Y |
Day 5 :- Right Hand Only – Focus on letters L, O and Y |
Day 6 :- Introducing Letters:V B N M |
Day 7 :- Introducing Capitals! + letter C & punctuation , . |
Day 8 :- Introducing letters :- A P Q Z & X |
Day 9 :- Introducing Punctuation :- , . ; ? – ( ) { } [ ] ” ! TAB, SHIFT, CAPS LOCK |
Day 10 :- Additional Drills Common Letter Combinations |
Day 11 :- Mastering Common Letter Combinations |
Day 12 :- Mastering Left & Right Shift Keys |
Day 13 :- Left Hand Emphasis – Right Shift Key |
Day 14 :- Right Hand Emphasis – Left Shift Key |
Day 15 :- Typing Numbers |
Summary: Simple and Interactive way for Kids to Learn “Typing”
Learning goal:- Teaching young students how to “TYPE” at an early age helps them to become more effective in Writing essays, letters etc which in result make more productive in their schools.
Homework: Practice the homework.
Progress measured: Homework Completion and Practice sheets completion.
Batches starting from 15 July 2021
Course Duration:- 15 Classes ( 3 Classes per Week). 1 Hr per Class.
Age:- Min 8 Yrs
Course Fees:- Rs.2500/-
For more details contact:
9920807464 / 9082187955