What will you learn during the Workshop:
In the world of art, all complicated concepts can be achieved if they are broken down into simple geometric shapes. Portrait making is no different either. We will help you learn the knack of portrait making in the simplest ways that can help you enhance your skills in creating different types of portraits –
- Month 1 – The first month will focus on learning how to handle the pencil while creating the light and shadow effect as this is strictly pencil sketching workshop. We will learn to create faces with different profiles using the gemotric shapes so the basic drawing skill to draw the portrait becomes easy.
- Month 2 – For the second month we will look at creating individual parts of face and learn how shading, light and shadow, emotions affect the portrait as whole. We will learn the concepts of detailing to give the portrait a realistic effect and all the concepts learnt in different ways to create portraits out of references as well as imaginary. This month will be abour practise and resolving queries that every student faces.
Who this course is for: Kids (Recommended above 7 years +)
Material Required:
- A3 Size Sketch Book
- Pencil Eraser
- Shading Pencils
- We Recommend
- Option 1 : art line pencil set (Main Shades- 6b, 8b, 10b)
- Option 2 : Staedtler Pencil Set (Main Shades- 6b, 8b, 10b)
- Paper Stumps
- Exam Board a3 size
Start Date: 19 June – 7 Aug
Time: 5:00 – 6:00 PM IST
Days: Weekends
Duration: 16 Sessions
Language: Hindi
- Option 1 -: 2200 x 2 months – 4400 one time payment
- Option 2-: 2400 x 2 months – 4800 monthly Payment
For more details contact:
9920807464 / 9082187955